Well, I am taking a shot at this whole blogging business. We don't really do Facebook, so I figure this will be a way for our friends and family to keep up with us, and to see what we have been up to.
The Air Force decided they would train Dallas to fly Multi-million Dollar Aircraft so he can protect our Nation! (What a responsibility!) That is why we have been living in Enid, America for about a year and some change-for Pilot Training- and we should be here for at least another 9 months, perhaps more if he gets an instructor pilot slot for his first assignment ((FAIP)- I will surely be using those crazy military acronyms in most of my posts- so keep up!).
We have a pretty full house, and we don't even have kids yet! 2 Chihuahua's and a fat cat! My husband loves me, and that's why he allows the madness- I'm a sucker for cute pups and fat cats, what can I say? :)
Life is good. We have somewhat of a pretty normal life~ as far as military standards go and I am trying to enjoy every second of him being home with me and not a million miles away. I'll be posting updates of Dallas' training, pictures, and any other tid bits of information I feel like sharing. Enjoy! :)
Here is a picture of my husband about to fly! (This was his first Solo Flight- A Very Exciting Day!)