Its almost time to start the Weekend! Woo Hoo!
Good News:
We are going to Colorado Springs for Thanksgiving! We are so excited! We absolutely loved living there, and we miss it, dearly. We have a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving, and fully intend to take advantage of it. We will be seeing some great friends that we miss, and taking our pups for the vacation as well! Hopefully, we will get to be outside and enjoy Colorado! Whatever we do, I know its going to be a great time for us!
Bad News:
Dallas is leaving on Sunday for 3 days to go to the centrifuge in San Antonio. :(
The Centrifuge is training that all soon to be fighter pilots must go through. It simulates about the equivalence of 9 G's. Apparently, on a 200 lb man, like my husband, 9 G's makes them feel like the weigh 1,800 lbs! Wow!
Here is a video I found on Youtube of the pilots having about 6 or 7 G's exerted on them! Its pretty cool (and Funny) stuff!
If we are realllly lucky, Dallas may come back with a DVD of his experience. Oh, and I will post it. Don't worry :)
And here is a link that really explains what the Centrifuge for future fighter pilots is all about:
Centrifuge Training
We don't really have plans this weekend except for resting, catching up with school work, and enjoying the gorgeous weather! Oh and passing out candy to the little ones that may come on Halloween.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wedding Picture

Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Evans Wedding!
This weekend, I went to Brent and Melissa's wedding. It was beautiful! We are so happy to have this couple as a part of our lives, and a big bonus is that they live in Oklahoma City which is currently only about an hour from us!
Our Sophomore year at A&M I remember Brent chiming is as I was planning my then imaginary wedding- that when he got married- he was going to get all of his groomsmen Fry Daddies- and they were going to have a fish fry for the rehearsal dinner, and then for the wedding- he wanted to have a pot luck and have his family bring their favorite dishes. Melissa didn't let that happen- but Brent got one of his requests, a dance to his favorite song: "Queen of my Double Wide Trailer"
That same year, he came to me with the biggest, most goofy smile and said: "Megan, I met someone. She has...oh you should see her smile." He stumbled over most of those words, and the part I most remember was how he was glowing when he spoke about her. He fell in love with her smile, and he told me that- even though he didn't have to- I could just see it on his face.
They got married in Houston at a wedding venue named Ashton Gardens. The day was perfect, and the most important part is that they are now Mr. and Mrs. Brent Evans! :)
Here are a few pictures from the wedding. It was wonderful!
And then my camera died before I could get a picture with both of them together! But the professional got one! It was such a great weekend with the exception of Dallas having to stay home.
Congrats Brent and Melissa!!
Our Sophomore year at A&M I remember Brent chiming is as I was planning my then imaginary wedding- that when he got married- he was going to get all of his groomsmen Fry Daddies- and they were going to have a fish fry for the rehearsal dinner, and then for the wedding- he wanted to have a pot luck and have his family bring their favorite dishes. Melissa didn't let that happen- but Brent got one of his requests, a dance to his favorite song: "Queen of my Double Wide Trailer"
That same year, he came to me with the biggest, most goofy smile and said: "Megan, I met someone. She has...oh you should see her smile." He stumbled over most of those words, and the part I most remember was how he was glowing when he spoke about her. He fell in love with her smile, and he told me that- even though he didn't have to- I could just see it on his face.
They got married in Houston at a wedding venue named Ashton Gardens. The day was perfect, and the most important part is that they are now Mr. and Mrs. Brent Evans! :)
Here are a few pictures from the wedding. It was wonderful!
The Ceremony
Marah and Raul. Being Normal.
The Present we got them! Its a personalized sign for their home.
The beautiful tables!
Presenting Mr. And Mrs. Evans! :)
Brides Cake.
Grooms Cake! Whoop!
First dance as Mr. and Mrs. Evans!
The second dance- requested by Brent to "Queen of my Double Wide Trailer"
I'm not kidding. It was awesome! Haha
Couldn't choose, so I tasted both! Both equally delicious!
Me and my replacement date- My mom.
Marah and Raul again at the reception
Katie, Me and Marah! Neeley Hall friends from Freshman year!
The happy couple, again!
I liked this picture.
Aggie War Hymn! Whoop!
Me and Brent!
Getting the garter off!
And then my camera died before I could get a picture with both of them together! But the professional got one! It was such a great weekend with the exception of Dallas having to stay home.
Congrats Brent and Melissa!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Phase 2: COMPLETE.
Well, I know all 10's 5's 1's of you have been waiting for the results of today's Track Select. It came, and it was awesome.
Dallas got T-38's! Which is what he has been working toward since he started pilot training, and since he knew he wanted to become a pilot. I could not be more proud of him.
Track Select day started with a Breakfast sponsored by the IP's wives, and was pretty delicious! Next, we walked around the flight line, able to take pictures with static airplane displays, and got a tour of the Air Traffic Control Tower. We went home for a bit and went back to the base for the main event: Track Select. It started with the video the guys made, and then went to the assignments. If I ever get the video that they made, I will definitely post it- it was pretty hilarious! The assignments usually start with a roast of each student, and then showing them their plane.
Dallas' roast was all about working out and being huge- haha :)
I am SO PROUD of him, and I am thankful everyday that I have him in my life! (And it doesn't hurt that he looks SUPER hot in a flight suit!)
After they finished track select, the T-38 IP's were waiting for their new students- and ready to give them new information to study and be tested on at 8am the next day!
Track Select was such an awesome day for us. Here are a few photos from today....
As for me, I am traveling to Houston this weekend to see this guy get married:
Dallas got T-38's! Which is what he has been working toward since he started pilot training, and since he knew he wanted to become a pilot. I could not be more proud of him.
Track Select day started with a Breakfast sponsored by the IP's wives, and was pretty delicious! Next, we walked around the flight line, able to take pictures with static airplane displays, and got a tour of the Air Traffic Control Tower. We went home for a bit and went back to the base for the main event: Track Select. It started with the video the guys made, and then went to the assignments. If I ever get the video that they made, I will definitely post it- it was pretty hilarious! The assignments usually start with a roast of each student, and then showing them their plane.
Dallas' roast was all about working out and being huge- haha :)
I am SO PROUD of him, and I am thankful everyday that I have him in my life! (And it doesn't hurt that he looks SUPER hot in a flight suit!)
After they finished track select, the T-38 IP's were waiting for their new students- and ready to give them new information to study and be tested on at 8am the next day!
Track Select was such an awesome day for us. Here are a few photos from today....
As for me, I am traveling to Houston this weekend to see this guy get married:
He's been my buddy since our first 8am course our Freshman year at A&M (American History!). I am so excited for him and Melissa!
Dallas was supposed to be coming with me, but he is now unable to because of training and the timing of the wedding. I will definitely post pictures of the event, and I can't wait to see my friend marry a wonderful girl!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
So since we are not on Facebook, we don't really post pictures for everyone to see anywhere. So I thought I would dedicate a whole post to just pictures from lately, and talk for a bit about the fact that track select is only 6 DAYS AWAY!
Dallas had his final check ride today, got an Excellent (SO PROUD OF HIM!) and now he waits... That was his last ride in the T-6. Next he will move on to a Big-Boy Plane! :)
Pilot Training is officially 1/2 way through!
He will either be going to fly this:
So on to the original post.....Pictures from what we have been up to........
Dallas had his final check ride today, got an Excellent (SO PROUD OF HIM!) and now he waits... That was his last ride in the T-6. Next he will move on to a Big-Boy Plane! :)
Pilot Training is officially 1/2 way through!
He will either be going to fly this:
The T-38 Talon
Or this:
The T-1 Jayhawk
Dallas came home today feeling more relieved, happy and relaxed than I have seen him in about 7 months.... That made me very happy! This will only last for about a week, and then he will hit the training hard again!
So on to the original post.....Pictures from what we have been up to........
We went to see Wicked in Tulsa, OK!
We went to a Family Reunion in Seaside, FL!
Dallas had his solo party (This was the Solo Tie Cutting Ceremony)
We got this little baby from the SPCA. I couldn't leave her in the big cement jail cell all alone. I have a problem, I know. But she fits in to the Wright Family pretty perfectly!
We went to the OU/Air Force Football Game!
And I got a new Camera.....This is as artsy as I have gotten.
So with this post, I have discovered that I really need to take more pictures! I am going to work on that....Starting with Track Select!
This weekend we don't really have any plans.
We might go to the city with some friends, or just hang around Enid.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Oh The Places We'll Go........
Last night the 8th FTS (Dallas' training squadron) had a Spouses Meeting for all of the spouses of student pilots in our class. It was exciting, made me very nervous, and kind-of made reality hit me pretty hard.
They went over Track Select, how they are selected for Phase 3 of training (Fighters or Heavies), where we could potentially be going based on what plane he gets assigned at the end of training, and how life is going to be after training and once he gets his wings.
Lets start with Track Select. During these first 2 phases of training, the students are graded on Academics, Flight Commander Rating, their Check Rides, and their Daily Performance. Based on these categories, the students are rated by their flight commandor and put in class rankings.
Before Track Select Day, the Flight Commander's receive the "drop" for this class (Typically, each class "Drops" 1 or 2 T-44's, 1 Helicopter, and more T-1's than T-38's. The Dream Sheets are placed in merit order of the ranking and the assignments are determined based on each student's choice and availability.
TALK ABOUT BEING NERVOUS! This is the first time we will have any sort of direction on Dallas' career, at all....sort of. So this will be exciting!
After Phase 3 of training, and Dallas receives his wings, we will then be going to another base, for more training. There are so many choices of bases, many more than I thought and really, there is no narrowing down of where we may be going.
Out of T-38's- depending on what plane he would get- we could go to Tyndall AFB, FL, Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC, Luke AFB, AZ, David-Monthan AFB, AZ, Dyess AFB, TX, Ellsworth AFB, SD, Barksdale AFB, LA, Hurlburt AFB, FL, Creech AFB, NM, Canon AFB, NM, Nellis AFB, NM, Elmendorf AFB, AK, Lakenheath AFB, UK, Aviano AB, Italy, Spangdahlem AFB, GE, Osan AB, Korea, Osan AB, Korea, Misawa AB, Japan.....and many many more.
Out of T-1's - again, depending on the plane, we could go to Dyess AFB, TX, Elmendorf AFB, AK, Little Rock AFB, AR, Charleston AFB, SC, Hickam AFB, HI, McChord AFB, WA, Ramstein AB, GE, Yokota AB, Japan, Mildenhall AB, UK, Etc. Etc.
You get the idea.We could literally be anywhere. In. The. World. Which makes it a little difficult to "plan" anything. (Kids, Nursing Degree, Life, Etc. Etc.) Which is really ok with me.
We also got to talk about how life is going to be as a Pilot's Spouse- with none other than the ladies that are already doing it. It sounds hard, lots of short deployments, year long remote- unaccompanied tours, and fun places to get to live. The women were positive, and they all LOVED their lives. They of course have had rough times with the deployments, which all military spouses do, but most of the time its pretty great and knowing that their husbands are making a difference fighting for our country makes up for the time when they are away.
On October 21, Dallas will Track Select. His dad is coming to town (Yay!), the Instructor Pilots (Their wives, really) throw a breakfast for the class and their family, we get to do a simulator, see how their days are as student pilots, take pictures by airplanes, and of course, we will find out what he will be flying next. I'll be sure to post pictures, and the outcome of the day.
I know one thing, though. I support Dallas in whatever he wants to fly, whatever plane he gets in the future, and wherever the Air Force decides to send the Wright Family.
On another note...... its Friday! Yay! This weekend we don't have too much of a plan. Dallas has a much needed 3 day weekend, and we might get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather while it lasts.
They went over Track Select, how they are selected for Phase 3 of training (Fighters or Heavies), where we could potentially be going based on what plane he gets assigned at the end of training, and how life is going to be after training and once he gets his wings.
Lets start with Track Select. During these first 2 phases of training, the students are graded on Academics, Flight Commander Rating, their Check Rides, and their Daily Performance. Based on these categories, the students are rated by their flight commandor and put in class rankings.
- 10% Academics
- 30% Flight Commandor Rating
- 30% Check Rides
- 30% Daily Performance.
Before Track Select Day, the Flight Commander's receive the "drop" for this class (Typically, each class "Drops" 1 or 2 T-44's, 1 Helicopter, and more T-1's than T-38's. The Dream Sheets are placed in merit order of the ranking and the assignments are determined based on each student's choice and availability.
TALK ABOUT BEING NERVOUS! This is the first time we will have any sort of direction on Dallas' career, at all....sort of. So this will be exciting!
After Phase 3 of training, and Dallas receives his wings, we will then be going to another base, for more training. There are so many choices of bases, many more than I thought and really, there is no narrowing down of where we may be going.
Out of T-38's- depending on what plane he would get- we could go to Tyndall AFB, FL, Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC, Luke AFB, AZ, David-Monthan AFB, AZ, Dyess AFB, TX, Ellsworth AFB, SD, Barksdale AFB, LA, Hurlburt AFB, FL, Creech AFB, NM, Canon AFB, NM, Nellis AFB, NM, Elmendorf AFB, AK, Lakenheath AFB, UK, Aviano AB, Italy, Spangdahlem AFB, GE, Osan AB, Korea, Osan AB, Korea, Misawa AB, Japan.....and many many more.
Out of T-1's - again, depending on the plane, we could go to Dyess AFB, TX, Elmendorf AFB, AK, Little Rock AFB, AR, Charleston AFB, SC, Hickam AFB, HI, McChord AFB, WA, Ramstein AB, GE, Yokota AB, Japan, Mildenhall AB, UK, Etc. Etc.
You get the idea.We could literally be anywhere. In. The. World. Which makes it a little difficult to "plan" anything. (Kids, Nursing Degree, Life, Etc. Etc.) Which is really ok with me.
We also got to talk about how life is going to be as a Pilot's Spouse- with none other than the ladies that are already doing it. It sounds hard, lots of short deployments, year long remote- unaccompanied tours, and fun places to get to live. The women were positive, and they all LOVED their lives. They of course have had rough times with the deployments, which all military spouses do, but most of the time its pretty great and knowing that their husbands are making a difference fighting for our country makes up for the time when they are away.
On October 21, Dallas will Track Select. His dad is coming to town (Yay!), the Instructor Pilots (Their wives, really) throw a breakfast for the class and their family, we get to do a simulator, see how their days are as student pilots, take pictures by airplanes, and of course, we will find out what he will be flying next. I'll be sure to post pictures, and the outcome of the day.
I know one thing, though. I support Dallas in whatever he wants to fly, whatever plane he gets in the future, and wherever the Air Force decides to send the Wright Family.
On another note...... its Friday! Yay! This weekend we don't have too much of a plan. Dallas has a much needed 3 day weekend, and we might get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather while it lasts.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Go Red For Women Campaign 2010!
Did you know that Heart Disease KILLS over 500,000 American Women EACH YEAR? Well, I didn't. Until I learned about the Go Red for Women Campaign!
Go Red for Women!
Dallas' Mother's best friend, Linda Couch, had a heart transplant at the very young age of 27 years old, due to congestive heart failure. Linda is one of the sweetest, most talented, courageous women I have ever met, and she surely doesn't take life for granted.
Well, Linda was selected out of hundreds of thousands of women to be one of the 15 "Go Red For Women Campaign" Spokes-women! She even got to go to New York City to be on the Today show with Hoda!
After talking a little more, my family discovered that not only did we know Linda in the bunch of 15 women, but we also have a cousin that was selected as well! Maricella Wilson! What a small world!
We are so proud of these women, and what they are representing. Heart Disease kills too many women each year because it is dismissed as an "old man's disease."
So get out there, spread the word, and GO RED FOR WOMEN! PLUS- Its a really great reason to go shopping for a pretty red dress- and maybe pretty shoes to match! :)
(A portion of all purchases made at Macy's (Or at any of the other participating sponsors' stores ) will go to the Go Red for Women Campaign!)
Go Red for Women!
Dallas' Mother's best friend, Linda Couch, had a heart transplant at the very young age of 27 years old, due to congestive heart failure. Linda is one of the sweetest, most talented, courageous women I have ever met, and she surely doesn't take life for granted.
Well, Linda was selected out of hundreds of thousands of women to be one of the 15 "Go Red For Women Campaign" Spokes-women! She even got to go to New York City to be on the Today show with Hoda!
After talking a little more, my family discovered that not only did we know Linda in the bunch of 15 women, but we also have a cousin that was selected as well! Maricella Wilson! What a small world!
We are so proud of these women, and what they are representing. Heart Disease kills too many women each year because it is dismissed as an "old man's disease."
So get out there, spread the word, and GO RED FOR WOMEN! PLUS- Its a really great reason to go shopping for a pretty red dress- and maybe pretty shoes to match! :)
(A portion of all purchases made at Macy's (Or at any of the other participating sponsors' stores ) will go to the Go Red for Women Campaign!)
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