Part of my job is to take care of the Mayor, Commissioners, and the City Manager. I actually enjoy doing it most of the time. Recently, one of the commissioners tragically lost his wife, and he called me first, to let me know. Within minutes.
To me, that gesture means he truly considers me a friend, and knows I really care about him. Since that time, I have tried to help him more than I normally would by helping with emails (He is older, and hasn't quite jumped on the technology bandwagon.) and calendar dates, and just calling him to ask if he is OK. Its pretty normal for him to come in with high spirits, mention her name, and just brake down in tears.
He lost his soul mate- his very best friend- his wife- in his arms while he was trying to resuscitate her. Tragic, to say the least.
He always lets me know though, how appreciative he is of me, and all that I try to do to help him. Today, I was setting up lunch for a meeting, and set some aside for him to take home for dinner so he doesn't have to cook- and he tells me
"Megan, you sure are a pretty girl- and I don't mean no malice from that."
It touched my heart. Those simple words. It wasn't that he was telling me that I was pretty that made me emotional, But it made me remember what life is truly about.
Its not about obsessing over materialistic items, or your weight or appearance, or having the latest and greatest of anything (which I am guilty of all of the above).
Its about loving and helping others when they need it, or helping even if they don't need it- And loving every second you have here on this precious planet and being with those that you love dearly.
Since February 26, 2010, I have changed greatly as a person. This was the day we lost Dallas' beloved Mother, Dee, unexpectedly, and tragically.
It always seems when you are enduring this type of tragedy, you feel like you will never see the silver lining of the looming cloud.
It has taken me a year to see that lining in the dark cloud that was over our lives. To me, that silver lining is that I have learned to appreciate life, and what you have been given more, and not to take anything or anyone for granted.
I don't get upset or angry as easily as I used to. It isn't worth it.
I value my friends and family much more than ever. They are worth it.
I value my husband, and him being in my life more than words could ever express.
I take all of the love I am given from Dallas, our family, and our friends, and savor every moment and feeling.
I feel that I am a better person, and I am just ashamed that it took such a great loss for me to understand the important things, and live them.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of Dee Wright's passing. I can't believe its been an entire year and at the same time, and I feel like it was yesterday.
We think of her every day, and miss her every second.
Coping has become easier, but the thought of living life without her still is hard to come to terms with and accept.
She was such a beautiful person, and always helped anyone she could from animals to people.
We miss you Dee.
P.S. Stay tuned for the results of our women's crud tournament we are playing in tonight at the Officer's Club! (Go Enid Shore!)