What a great weekend!
And week, for that matter. I started school this week. It has started off pretty well, and it started off with a bang.
I enjoyed my first few leisurely weeks here at Barksdale.
You know, housewife-ing it up. Waking up with husband to have my cup of coffee, hang out with Matt Lauer, Regis, Kelly and the girls from the View. Perhaps following with a nice work out, running some "errands", etc.
I'll dream about those days. But now, it's nothing but Anatomy, Microbiology and Developmental Psychology running my thoughts and my days. But its leading me to where I want to be: A NURSE! :)
So the next part of the title. Squirrels.
It was Thursday, and my pups were outside, doing their business, or so I thought. They weren't responding to me calling their names, so I went to investigate.
And week, for that matter. I started school this week. It has started off pretty well, and it started off with a bang.
I enjoyed my first few leisurely weeks here at Barksdale.
You know, housewife-ing it up. Waking up with husband to have my cup of coffee, hang out with Matt Lauer, Regis, Kelly and the girls from the View. Perhaps following with a nice work out, running some "errands", etc.
I'll dream about those days. But now, it's nothing but Anatomy, Microbiology and Developmental Psychology running my thoughts and my days. But its leading me to where I want to be: A NURSE! :)
So the next part of the title. Squirrels.
It was Thursday, and my pups were outside, doing their business, or so I thought. They weren't responding to me calling their names, so I went to investigate.
My first reaction was a scream, some profanity, and wondering what in the world it was (Dog?, Cat?, Mouse? What in the world?)
I was actually surprised (And very happy!) my pups didn't eat it. I called a few people. Amy Smith first on my list. She was on her way over to investigate. I called a few wildlife rescue places to see if they could take it, and I did some googling. I figured out it was a squirrel, and the only wild life refuge in the area was closed for the day, but they let me know how to care for it until the next morning, when they would re-open.
Evaporated Milk, half and half with water with an eye dropper. Every two hours. Keep the thing warm. Check.
Amazingly, I did a good enough job to keep it alive until the next morning when I could take it to the wild life refuge. Poor thing.
Apparently, the storm the night before had dumped several baby squirrels on the ground, when I brought it to the refuge, there were already a dozen there, Rocky (Because he is a survivor) being the smallest. They also had a baby deer that would just walk right up to you (Still had his spots!), along with a baby raccoon, a baby fox and several other cool wildlife babies.
I barely made it to Yoga Friday morning after this fiasco, but I did. :)
Saturday me and Amy decided to have our very own painting (spainting, since it needed to start with an S to go with my title) party! I have been wanting to paint some of my very own art lately, and yesterday, I did just that!
Beginning Stages!
Mixing my own paint.
The finished Product.
Now, I have to give credit to Amy Smith. She taught me everything about painting and let me use her extensive art supply collection. She has a blog, and its fab.
She talks about pretty much everything and anything that is awesome and delicious. So, you should check it out here!
It was quite a weekend, and that painting topped off my dining room, and it is now complete and beautiful! Pictures soon to come! (I'm not lying, I will post pictures at some point!)
So, all in all. A great first week at school, and a wonderful weekend with some of my favs.
Next weekend we have a long weekend for the Labor Day holiday, so we will be heading to Houston to visit family and maybe, perhaps, a DelCampo visit to see Nikki, Adam, and of course, Sweet Addie! :)
I can't wait!
Cheers, and heres to another great week! :)