Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Friday, March 30, 2012

Graduation Day, and Recent Happenings.

Dallas is officially a B-52 Pilot! :)

He's pretty handsome! 
And I do love that flight suit.

Here is his class photo in front of the mighty B-52!

Us with Amy and Derek. 

Us with Dallas' Dad and Lisa

Dallas and My Mom

Dallas and Larry

Dallas graduating!

Getting his Flight Jacket and Scarf


The newest members of the 20th Bomb Squadron!

It was a pretty short and sweet graduation ceremony- and they had Southern Maid Donuts! 
Both of our parents came in town, and we went to eat a delicious celebratory lunch for Dallas at Ralph and Kakoos, without Dallas-  The Air Force apparently needed Dallas for 3 hours after graduation to plan for a make up flight- and we didn't know that until we had already gotten to the restaurant. It was delicious though, and we thought of him while we ate. :)

On another note, we put in an offer on a house. So we will see how that goes! It's in a cute little gated subdivision, and its close to base. This process is definitely proving to be a bit taxing, and anxiety filled.

This weekend, and until the end of the semester, I will be doing some major studying for chemistry (Yuck) and for my clinical entrance exam. Prayers are welcome for some much needed endurance for me and for my brain!

I would have had more pictures, but I seemed to have lost my camera. Boo. 

Have a great weekend!

Megan and Dallas.

P.S. Its the last day of March. The Stache' is gone! :) :) :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hide Yo' Kids, Hide Yo' Wife....

And your husbands......But mostly your kids.

It's March.

And for most of you, you probably get warm and fuzzy feelings thinking about the arrival of spring.

I, however, get feelings of fear.

March is a month in the Air Force where all (??) grow (or in my husbands case, attempt) mustaches. I get the heebs (Heebie- Jeebies) just thinking about it.

Let's remember last year:

See that faint, chester, flesh colored stash?
This was from last year.
Well, slowly, it's making its return.

I forgot all about this terrible tradition until today, I gave Dallas a welcome home kiss, and noticed there was a little stubble. 

I said "Hey! Did you forget to shave this morning?"

And he looked at me with a sly smile and told me very excitedly it was "Mustache March!"


In some ways, I hope this month flies by (the mustache portion), and in a lot of ways, I don't. Time seems to have been passing all too quickly lately. And I am not a fan. 

This past weekend, Dallas and I went to Houston to go with my sisters, Tara and Annette, to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It was a blast! I love the Rodeo, and more than the rodeo itself: The Food.  Roasted Corn, the BEST BBQ in the world, and so much more. 

We also celebrated my brothers 29th birthday with a yummy breakfast! It was great to see family, and have a little fun, but we hurried back on Sunday so Dallas could study for his check ride he had today. 

He passed and is officially B-52 qualified! :)

In other news, two weekends ago, me and my buddy, Amy, threw an adorable baby shower for our friend Allison Pride! Pictures can be found Here. We had so much fun throwing it, and we hope Allison had a fabulous time!

We have had quite a bit going on recently, and are finally slowing down.

Ok. Enough for now. Have a great, blessed week!

Megan and Dallas