Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Things I will miss.....

Time is moving so quickly right now, I thought I should take a moment to remember the great things that have happened in Enid, and what I will truly miss....

My job. Believe it or not.

I have the greatest boss I could have ever imagined. His resume is impressive, to say the least, and I have an overwhelming amount of respect for him.

Not only do I have a great boss, but my coworkers are pretty incredible also. When we first moved here, and Dallas was on Casual status, it was hard to meet other Spouses. My coworkers quickly became my friends, and I could not have kept my sanity the first year in Enid without them.

Not only did my job give me a chance to meet people that I would never forget, it also gave me the opportunity to get involved and embedded in a small community so deeply, I felt I had roots forming. I was able to coordinate Bark in the Park, Enid's first Dog Park Grand Opening Ceremony, which was a huge success and so much fun. I did interviews with the local newspaper, and was quoted in the Quarterly City of Enid Magazine. Dallas and I also regularly attended "Mayor's Breakfast" at local restaurants. These breakfasts allowed us, as a very young couple in the Air Force, to get to know our City Officials as well as top Officials (Wing Commander, Vice Wing Commander and their spouses) from Vance. We were on a first name basis with these people. This will probably never happen again in our career in the Air Force, as from here on out, most bases we go to will be quite large and will not have as close knit of a community.

I will also miss this guy:

This is Caleb Roche. His dad is a Colonel, and an instructor pilot for the T-6. He is my dog/cat sitter, and basically an 18 year old in an 11 year olds body. We first met Caleb about 3 months after we moved to Enid. He came knocking on our door, passing out "Caleb's Dog Walking Service" cards, asking if we would hire him. Of course we did, and ever since he has been a blessing in our lives. Since then, he has been mistaken for our Son (Ha.) and been present at all of Dallas' events (Track Select, Graduation, Winging, Etc.) Anytime we need him, he is there. He will of course come to visit us in Louisiana or North Dakota, but we will miss seeing him daily and I know our pups will.

 Something a little less sentimental that I will miss is Katy's Pantry.

This is a place that is relatively new to Enid, but I love it! They have homemade sandwiches, soups, salads, casseroles, pies, cakes and the best homemade, pantry  bread! Its always a great place to go for dinner or lunch, and I will miss this little hole in the wall in Enid.

Our First Home....

This is our very first home we had together, and we went through a lot here.

That concludes our first installment of what I will miss about Enid.

Dallas has been gone for almost two weeks. 3 1/2 more to go....I think I can, I think I can.....

The good news? I am going home next week for a few days to FINALLY see this little Princess!

Addison DelCampo! I can't wait!


Megan (And Dallas from Spokane, WA)

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