Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Holidays are OVER!

But thats mainly because I don't count New Years as a real "Holiday."

I must say, I am pretty happy to have gotten through them. It was nice seeing family and friends and all that jazz, but I felt like Christmas was being stuffed down my throat this year, and it was pretty tough to stomach.

Its hard pretending to be happy when you are missing someone so badly it physically hurts every part of your body. And to make the hurt a little worse, you know you wont be seeing them again in this lifetime.

I am doing alright, I definitely have my moments, and I know time will heal. My husband has been such a blessing to me through all of this. Its comforting knowing that he truly understands what I am going through (Even though that sucks for both of us), and he has been so good to me throughout all of this. This is what a marriage is all about, knowing you have someone to count on, and someone to hold you during the bad times. I hope I was half of what he has been for me while he was going through a similar tough situation....

But enough of the sad stuff, I have a few announcements.

Remember a long time ago, when I wasn't neglecting the blog and I said something about "We would find out before Christmas if we were staying in Shreveport or going to Minot, ND?" Well we found out a few weeks ago that we will indeed be staying at Barksdale, AFB for Dallas' first flying tour, which is really bitter-sweet for us. Its great in that I will be able to finish out my nursing program, we are going to buy a house soon (!!) and we are closer to family than we have been in a long time. And a little bitter in that we will be separated from our besties- Amy and Derek Smith (Seriously, I can't even talk about it right now- ) and that we are closer to our family than we have been in a long time (I kid, I kid. Kind Of).

So we know what we are doing now, and are able to make some somewhat long term plans! So thats exciting! :) And there will not be any little Wright's in our foreseeable future. In case that question was lingering in anyones head. :) (Sorry, Mom)

My first semester of school ended, and not to gloat, but I got a 4.0. That has never happened to me before- and I think I get the whole- going to school/ studying for real thing. :)

As far as other announcements go, I finished my very first quilt! Its beautiful and I gave it to my grandmother for Christmas! I am hooked! I will post pics soon.... I have also decided to make a quilt using my dad's neck ties. I think it will take me a while to get to the point where I can work with his ties, but I will get there, and I think it will be a great way to remember my dad!

So thats about it! You are all caught up on the Wright's happenings and non-happenings, and I hope all of you had a very happy Holiday Season!


Megan and Dallas

P.S. I have gotten addicted to Pinterest as of last night.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Dad

I have been living a nightmare since November 23, 2011. The night before Thanksgiving. I got a call that has changed my life forever.

My step-mom called me from their favorite vacation spot in Grand Cayman with a "bit of bad news."

She said my dad had a heart attack that day, and had passed away.

I don't remember much from that point on to now. All I know is that I lost a man in my life that was kind, and was beautiful in every way. The world has truly lost one of the good guys. I feel empty.

If you can imagine, I didn't have much of a Thanksgiving at all. I didn't have a lot to be thankful for. My Dad just died. Too soon.

He didn't get to have a grand child. He didn't get to see me become a nurse.

All of these things ran through my mind. Along with questions like Did he know I loved him? Did I make him proud? And even though he has told me countless times that he loves me, as I have told him, and that I have made him very proud, I still question these things. I am not sure why.

My dad died on November 23 in Grand Cayman while scuba diving. He was 54. Diving the Kittiwake was something he was very excited about, and told me about at least 4 times the last time I saw him a month ago.

I take comfort in that he was doing something he enjoyed, in a beautiful place, and that he didn't suffer.

We are laying him to rest tomorrow at 2:00pm. It has taken this long to get him home due to logistics with the Embassy's and dealing with foreign law. There is a protocol for everything, and nothing is quick.

I have gone through some odd grieving cycles. I feel like I have gone through all of them in the past week and a half, and am beginning to cycle through them again.

Through those stages, I have had a chance to reflect, and realize how blessed I am to have had my dad at so many events, most importantly, my wedding. I used to view my wedding (Reception only- the ceremony was perfect) as a disaster. I now do not have any regrets or upsets from that day. I am blessed to have been able to have my dad walk me down the aisle, share that Father- Daughter dance together, and to give a speech that now means the world to me.

My dad saw me graduate from Texas A&M University, and grow into a woman that I hope he is proud of. We have had many good times together, and each and every memory I have, I cherish.

I miss my dad more than words could probably ever describe, and love him even more. I would be lucky to be half the person he was, and live a life giving selflessly everyday just as he did.

I love you Dad, and I know I will see you again when the Lord calls me. Until then, rest peacefully.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Soul Searching

For the past year or so I have been doing some soul searching. Religion, career, priorities, hobbies, my attitude, and lots of other things that apparently most emerging adults contemplate.

I have been finding my way.....slowly, but all in all: I feel so much better!

Obviously, with my career, I am making a change, and going for nursing! I feel better just being back in school working toward that goal! And as I have mentioned before- I am taking college much more seriously than I did the first time around.

My religion is something I have struggled with for a while. I was raised Catholic, and I was a little lost in what I believed. I am definitely finding my way, and it feels great!

 I have been told by some (a "Psychic" of sorts, and some other people) that I have a very old, wise soul.

I understand that now. I recently have taken a liking LOVING to sewing! My good friend Ellen got me started, and I have found a new love. She helped us along to make Christmas Stockings, and I really, really enjoyed the project!  I am basically an 80 year old women who right now would love nothing more than to get a fancy new sewing machine, and make quilts for everyone! Sheesh. Dallas says he never thought I would take up such a hobby, and honestly, I never did either! If we move to Minot, though, I think this hobby will come in handy for those months that the average temperature is 12 degrees (not including wind chill). :)

I know its been a while since I have posted anything, but we honestly have been laying pretty low, and the weekends we have attempted to do anything, our plans tend to get foiled.

For instance, we went to Fort Worth about 3 weeks ago to meet Matt and Suz, and to go to the Ft. Worth Air Show. We made it to Ft. Worth, but the Air Show got canceled due to rain. Boo. I am just glad we got to spend some time with Matt and Susan since they are leaving in only 3 weeks to their new base in North Carolina. We did make it to the Texas State Fair, and to FINALLY eat at the famous In and Out Burger. Let me just say. It was pretty delicious. And I don't even have any pictures!

School has been steady- and I have 4 weeks left of this semester! I can't wait!

We were supposed to find out this week where we were going to be based for Dallas' first B-52 tour- (Either her or Minot, so we aren't really too nervous about where we are going, or staying) but now the time frame is "Before Christmas." I'll keep you posted.

Dallas' flying has been put on hold because the class in front of him is behind- so he will more than likely only be flying once more before the new year.

That's about all I have for now- but I will soon be posting about my first quilt I am in the process of making! I am pretty excited about it!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

25th Birthday, Aggie Game Weekend, Dallas' First Flight!

Well, its a little overdue, but, here is a recap of the last couple of weeks.

Besides school keeping me VERY busy, I also had some visitors, a birthday and a weekend away in Dallas (Well, Granbury and Arlington, TX).

The weekend right before my birthday, my sister, Annette came to visit me! We hung out, grilled some food, and of course, took her to the Horseshoe Casino!

Annette and Me, hanging out in the bar while Dallas was playing poker.

This is me, after a few too many celebratory glasses of White Zin (Classy, I know) and Dallas with Michael Bolton.

My birthday week was awesome! Along with seeing my sis, I was REALLY REALLY spoiled with gifts and even more spoiled with LOVE from my friends and family. My friend here at Barksdale, Ellen, even surprised me with some delicious cupcakes while we were having a crafter-noon! So sweet! Thanks, everyone, for making it so special and remembering!
 It really was a great way to ring in a quarter of a century! 

This past weekend, Dallas' Dad (AKA Dad, AKA Big Dallas) treated us to the A&M/Arkansas Football Game at Cowboy Stadium. You see, we now have this family rivalry since the Aggies joined the SEC. Dallas' dad is a pig (An Arkansas Razorback to be exact). Yuck.. So it was only fitting that we go to the game!

We stayed at this AMAZING Bed and Breakfast

By the way, this is my DREAM bathroom. So Romantic, So Amazing, So Shabby Chic.

There was also a beautiful chandelier I failed to get in the photo.


O.K. Back to the game.

Cowboy Stadium is AWESOME!

I literally got goosebumps singing the Aggie War Hymn again with fellow Ags....

and watching the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band at halftime....

And then I almost threw up from the lethal combination of a HUGE Cowboys Strawberry Swirl Margarita and the Aggies giving the game away. Come on Ags. Seriously. It was basically a replay of the weekend before, when you gave it away to the osu cowboys. 

Dallas' Dad and Lisa (his girlfriend) got the rest of the day to rub it in and made me wear a stupid hog hat. I wasn't happy.

We'll get 'em next year.....

In brighter news, Monday was just the perfect day to fly, and Dallas did just that!
He had his very first flight in the B-52!

Ellen, one of my new, awesome friends here at Barksdale (The sweet one who got me the cupcakes!), invited me to go watch the boys takeoff, since Justin and Dallas are flying buddies. It was a beautiful morning, and we had fun chatting and waiting for the guys to take off! (We also looked a little crazy sitting by the chain linked, barb-wire fence in lawn chairs, but we don't care!)

That's them.....You can see the exhaust making a trail. 

Go HERE to see Ellen's Blog, and a better picture of the takeoff. 
(In our defense, it was really bright out there and hard to see what we were actually capturing.)

So thats been about it. Its been a great week, and my birthday was really memorable. :)

And, in case you were wondering about the status of Dallas' eye, it's all better! He still has a busted blood vessel that is slowly going away on his eyeball, but thats about it! :) 

Have a great week!


Megan and Dallas

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Just wanted to share this little video. I am guilty. Sometimes, I like to watch this show while hiding under a blanket to make sure no one is looking in my house catching me do such a thing.

Yes, I believe Toddlers and Tiaras is prime example of what is wrong with this world, more specifically, America. Yes I think those little girls are going to have some serious issues growing up, and Yes, it does freak me out a little that 3 year olds get made up to look like teenagers (even worse, by their mothers who should be preserving their youth and innocence). Chester Molester's Dream.

This video is hilarious, and actually depicts one of my "favorite?" (Most outrageous) Toddlers I have seen to date.

Post coming soon on my AMAZING AWESOME BEST BIRTHDAY EVER 25th birthday, and our even more awesome weekend plans that have something to do with watching the Aggies BTHO arkansas. (Last week was a slip up, we did not lose, we simply ran out of time.) :)

Enjoy the video, or run and hide.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's all Fun and Games.....

You know the ending to this...

Until Someone Gets Hurt!

This is my poor hubby! On Tuesday night, thinking we were going to be in a friendly game of flag football  (Me watching, Dallas playing), actually ended in a trip to the emergency room, and some interesting experiences along the way.

I dropped Dallas off at the field, while I ran to the BX to pick up some last minute items I needed for the trip home to Houston I was going to be leaving for on Wednesday. I returned to the football field, ready to endure a nice conversation with the girls (While watching some football) and battle the mosquitoes. I even got one of those cool Off! Fans that you clip on, since the night before was pretty much unbearable watching the game.

I parked, started walking up, and another wife starts yelling at me to hurry! because Dallas was hurt. I immediately thought Broken Leg- Knee- Ankle, etc. I was not prepared to see that large hematoma protruding from Dallas' face. I freaked out a little, because lets be honest, it's a scary site. And we rushed to the emergency room to wait for 4 1/2 hours.

I know what you are thinking. "Seriously? This happened in a game of FLAG Football?!" Why, yes it did! It was even friendly fire, if you want to call it that. He and another guy on his team collided cranium to orbit. The other guy was fine, Dallas, not so much.

Luckily, there was nothing seriously wrong, which is AMAZING considering Dallas' line of work pretty much relies on his vision, and his ability to see in order to land a place, drop bombs, fly a plane, etc. Thank God! Seriously. Thank You, God!

His eye was swollen shut at this point, and the emergency room in Shreveport, LA was less than stellar, if you can imagine. Not to mention, I was starving. But we did see some interesting locals while we were there. One little girl (Poor Thing) Was so sick, she was walking around, barfing everywhere. yuck. And my personal favorite, was a girl who tried to do a couple of self piercings.

She was trying to do a cheek piercing, and failed on one side by getting it lodged between the skin on her cheek, so obviously, she should try again on the other side, and oddly, ended up getting the same outcome. Idiot. The funny(not really funny, but kind of because it was self inflicted, twice) part was when we got to  listen (Because we were in the next room over) to them removing the items from her cheek. I am guessing she didn't feel as cool when they were coming out of her cheek, as she did when she decided to do that to herself.


It was a first for us as a married couple to enjoy the emergency room together, and I am sure as our life goes on, it will not be the last! Dallas will also not be participating in any more flag football games this year. :) Also, since he hit the flight line on Wednesday, he had to take a badge photo for his flight line badge. Looking like that. :( Hopefully they will let him retake it in a couple weeks when he looks normal again.

Here is an updated picture of Quasimodo himself, looking much better, just a little more colorful!

This weekend, we are planning to not have any more trips to the emergency room, and just got word my sister, Annette, will be coming to town to visit me! Yay! And I am sure there will be some birthday celebration ensuing!

Not to mention the Fightin' Texas Aggies will be playing the Oklahoma State Cowboys. It should be an awesome match up at Kyle Field! BTHO osu! :)


Megan and Quasimodo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wreaths, Dragon Boat Races, and not studying......

I remember very well when I was back in college that I would pretty much use any excuse there was to not study. "I need to deep clean my dorm room and rearrange it,  go to lunch with some friends, because that really took a lot out of me, and then I would probably have an afternoon nap so I could really focus on studying later. :)"

5 or so years later, I am still trying to do that but instead of cleaning, or napping, I am blogging. :) Sheesh. (Marah, please do not call me and tell me to delete my blog because it is taking my focus away from studying. You need this so you can see what we are up to! :)) The good news is that I have a little more self control than my 19 year old self.

Lately I have been doing pretty well- I have kept myself on track for the most part, and have been learning a concept I should have learned while I was at Texas A&M, do school like its your job, 8-5 Monday- Friday so you don't get burned out, and you can still have fun. (Thanks to my Sugar Daddy, Dallas, I can do this without worrying about a real job.) I still do stuff on the weekends, but don't feel obligated to do it.

Speaking of age, my birthday is coming, and I am going to be 25 years old.
It's funny when you think back to High School, and my "life plans."  Now, obviously (And thankfully) my plans did not work out, and I am somewhere I never thought I would be. Married to a wonderful man in the Air Force, a pilot's wife, once again- a new college student, and living in Louisiana. I cannot wait to see what is going to happen next!

On to our weekend!

It was great! Saturday, we went to watch Amy and Derrick at the Dragon Boat Festival on the Red River! Little did we know, we would get drafted to race in their final race  since they lost members of the team to afternoon activities.

Lots of fun! If we are not preparing to endure a harsh winter in Minot, ND next year, we decided we will get our very own team together to race. On top of the great fun, it was just such a beautiful day which made it even more enjoyable!

After the races, we went home, and got supplies for the Fall Wreath CRAFTernoon! All of the supplies for this wreath came to a whopping $10 bucks! And I think it's super cute! And its always great fun hanging with Amy and Der. (Note- Dallas and Der did manly things, and started a bonfire- later realizing there is definitely a burn ban here- Good Job, guys!)

Here is the wreath!

Also, as promised, here is my completed dining room! :)

I just love our new furniture and I also love entertaining here! :)

Also, better late than never, here is a picture of our new home here in Bossier City!
Dallas just put up our flag in honor of 9-11. Also note our Texas Iron Star! 
Thanks to the Riley's for this AWESOME anniversary present! We just love it and it adds the perfect Texas Touch to our home!

This week is going to be hectic. I have my first test in Microbiology, and in Psychology, as well as a test in math (woof) in a week, which I will need all of the time in the world to study for in order to do well. Dallas has his very last academic test this week and will soon be hitting the flight line at the end of the month! He is ready to start flying again and is pretty excited about it! Now I must get back to studying!


Megan and Dallas

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

School, Squirrels and Spainting

What a great weekend!

And week, for that matter. I started school this week. It has started off pretty well, and it started off with a bang.

I enjoyed my first few leisurely weeks here at Barksdale.

You know, housewife-ing it up. Waking up with husband to have my cup of coffee, hang out with Matt Lauer, Regis, Kelly and the girls from the View. Perhaps following with a nice work out, running some "errands", etc.

I'll dream about those days. But now, it's nothing but Anatomy, Microbiology and Developmental Psychology running my thoughts and my days. But its leading me to where I want to be: A NURSE! :)

So the next part of the title. Squirrels.

It was Thursday, and my pups were outside, doing their business, or so I thought. They weren't responding to me calling their names, so I went to investigate.

My first reaction was a scream, some profanity, and wondering what in the world it was (Dog?, Cat?, Mouse? What in the world?)

I was actually surprised (And very happy!) my pups didn't eat it. I called a few people. Amy Smith first on my list. She was on her way over to investigate. I called a few wildlife rescue places to see if they could take it, and I did some googling. I figured out it was a squirrel, and the only wild life refuge in the area was closed for the day, but they let me know how to care for it until the next morning, when they would re-open.

Evaporated Milk, half and half with water with an eye dropper. Every two hours. Keep the thing warm. Check.

Amazingly, I did a good enough job to keep it alive until the next morning when I could take it to the wild life refuge. Poor thing. 

Apparently, the storm the night before had dumped several baby squirrels on the ground, when I brought it to the refuge, there were already a dozen there, Rocky (Because he is a survivor) being the smallest. They also had a baby deer that would just walk right up to you (Still had his spots!), along with a baby raccoon, a baby fox and several other cool wildlife babies. 

I barely made it to Yoga Friday morning after this fiasco, but I did. :)

Saturday me and Amy decided to have our very own painting (spainting, since it needed to start with an S to go with my title) party! I have been wanting to paint some of my very own art lately, and yesterday, I did just that!

Beginning Stages!

Mixing my own paint.

The finished Product.

Now, I have to give credit to Amy Smith. She taught me everything about painting and let me use her extensive art supply collection. She has a blog, and its fab. 

She talks about pretty much everything and anything that is awesome and delicious. So, you should check it out here!

It was quite a weekend, and that painting topped off my dining room, and it is now complete and beautiful! Pictures soon to come! (I'm not lying, I will post pictures at some point!)

So, all in all. A great first week at school, and a wonderful weekend with some of my favs.

Next weekend we have a long weekend for the Labor Day holiday, so we will be heading to Houston to visit family and maybe, perhaps, a DelCampo visit to see Nikki, Adam, and of course, Sweet Addie! :) 

I can't wait!

Cheers, and heres to another great week! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Visitors and Ladies Taffy Pull

Last weekend we had our very first official visitors, and they decided to come in bulk! :)

Dallas' brother, Dylan and his girlfriend, Lesly came to visit us in good old Bossier City and to see what our new home had to offer. All they were really looking for was some delicious sea food, and some casinos. He found both. :) They got here on Friday, and then my besty from Texas A&M (Neely Hall Roomies- Freshman Year) and her boyfriend Raul (Plus their 130lb Lab, Dagan) arrived on Saturday.

We had a house full, but had a serious blast with everyone.


Fact: This is the first time I have seen my besty, Marah, outside of a wedding or funeral in the last 3 1/2 years. Busy, busy lives and a man in the military are to blame for that.

I showed them what the Dirty South had to offer too.

Getting Cash out at the Casino- A necessity!

Pretty Serious Gambling

Besties all grown up.

Something I have been personally excited about, Gators:

We celebrated  Marah's Birthday a little early- and I made her a delicious cake!

We LOVED having everyone here, and had such a great time. Just what I needed before I start school on Monday!

In other news we FINALLY got the grill we have been wanting for a while! Its awesome! We have been grilling fools lately, and are really loving it!
The Chargriller 50/50
We couldn't decide whether we wanted a gas or charcoal grill, so we got both!

Getting the grill ready for some steaks! Yum!

After everyone left, my week made a downturn with a sick kitty, and a bad $200 veterinarian experience. Don't get me wrong, I am not mad about the money, just the service we received and the fact that Moe Kitty was traumatized when he left and still had to be taken to yet another vet to get him fully fixed for another $60 bucks.

Thank goodness our Enid Vet was nice enough to talk to me on the phone, and tell me what kind of medications and treatment he should have received, so I could get it right the second time at least.

I am happy to report Moseph is doing much better!

Yesterday, though, the group here at Barksdale got together and attempted to make some homemade Taffy.

Ellen and Amy pouring the hot taffy in to pans.

And pulling the taffy. 

Super fun and Sticky!

We aren't sure if we did anything correct, or if we over-crisco'd our hands during the pull, so we left everything for Amy and Derrick to figure out. :)

While the girls were making taffy, the boys were playing some poker!

Some real "Man" time. :)

It's always a fun time at the Smith's House! They have a lot of room for us to gather, and always have the most original get together ideas!

So that's basically what we have been up to in the last few weeks, and have really been having a nice time exploring the new area and getting back in to our own routine.

Whew! Picture Overload!

I will leave you with this. Hilarious. (Thanks for sharing, Annette)


Megan and Dallas

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The suck continues...

With my blogging habits!

But, since my last post, I am no longer saying goodbye to good ol' Enid.

We are here! We are moved in! We are Settled!

Dallas has started the academic portion of B-52 training, and in 4 days has already had 2 tests, and was told to expect at least that during the duration of academics. Yikes. But, we have met some classmates aside from the couple we already knew from Vance, and I continue to miss my dear Suz every day.


I also have been feeling a little lost everyday not having to go in to work. But soon enough, a 13 hour semester of college will begin, and I will really need to hit the ground running. I had a meeting with my advisor yesterday, and it was exciting. And sad.

I feel as if my entire college career doesn't even count. Out of 140 hours (Yes, really) only 12 hours are transferring to my degree. I even have to take an art course because the fine arts credit I took at Texas A&M, "Chamber Music" will not count here in Louisiana. Neither will Anatomy and Physiology I took last semester in Oklahoma.

So before I can begin (or even be considered for) clinicals, I have two pretty full semesters of prereq's. Awesome. The good news is that if we are sent to Minot, my advisor has me on track that the classes I am taking now SHOULD transfer and I shouldn't be set back at all. Lets hope.

In other news, all of Dallas' gambling at S.E.R.E. paid off, and I got my new kitchen table!

But if you give a mouse a cookie......

I now want the matching buffet to complete our dining room area. :) I guess I will have to wait on that though.

We are really loving it here in Shreveport, and are REALLY enjoying having all of the things Enid was lacking (Texas Roadhouse, Target, Kohl's, Carrabas, and a HUGE COMMISSARY!) right at our fingertips! And next weekend, we will be going to Dallas for a reunion with some Vance friends and to finally watch the last movie in the Harry Potter series!

I will make it a project to post some pictures of the house-

Until then!


Megan and Dallas

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Prolonged Goodbye......

Well, here we are. A week out until our move (Scary!), and I feel like I have been saying goodbye for weeks now.

Last Tuesday, work had a beautiful "Farewell" luncheon for me.

At the Conference Center n Enid, OK

I have never felt so loved, and overwhelmed. There were around 40 people there, ranging from Commissioners, Mayors (Past and Present), and the people I work with everyday from the community and from the office. They had my favorite lunch from Katy's Pantry Catered in- with my two favorite desserts (Strawberry Rhubarb Pie and Chocolate Cream Pie!) and Beautiful Flower Arrangements!

I got to keep this one!

They did a nice little roast, and I had a fantastic speech planned for the end.

Unfortunately I got out only about 10 words before I blubbered like an idiot. :) I made others cry, so I guess it was in some ways the successful, heart wrenching speech I was going for.

It was also declared "Megan Wright Day" in Enid, OK. This, ladies and gentlemen, I have been hoping for since I began my job and started writing proclamations for the City. It was a surprise, since I normally write these, and I was beyond excited!

But since my luncheon and my "Day" were over a week ago, I am getting the "I thought you were leaving" comment from just about everyone that passes my desk. I just have to awkwardly say, yes I am leaving on Friday and smile. :) But Now, Friday has turned in to Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.

Wednesday is actually the day we are getting the moving truck. I am still not sure of how the details are going to work out - but I guess I am just going to have to play it by ear. I really wouldn't be too devastated if I didn't have to physically help moving stuff to the truck- since I have packed up the house (With the help of my dear amazing friend, Susan.) Eric begged for me to come back next week, and I gave in. He even offered to help find me a crew to do the moving. But my "crew" will be home on Saturday (finally!) and he is pretty excited about doing the moving himself with a few friends!

Goodbyes are tough, and unfortunately in the military, we do this all too often. Sometimes to our friends, neighbors, co workers, and unfortunately even to our husbands for TDY's and deployments. I have heard it never gets easier, and I have found this to be very true. I have made friends here that are like family, and it will be hard to not get to see them as often as we have been able to for the last 2 years.

At least Dallas comes home on Saturday. When he gets home, I know this move will seem more real, and make it a little easier on me. Its hard to do life without him sometimes.

1 week to go- and an anniversary (2 years!) to celebrate in between somewhere. We are definitely ready for new beginnings and to see where this new adventure takes us!


Megan (and Dallas)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Things I will miss.....

Time is moving so quickly right now, I thought I should take a moment to remember the great things that have happened in Enid, and what I will truly miss....

My job. Believe it or not.

I have the greatest boss I could have ever imagined. His resume is impressive, to say the least, and I have an overwhelming amount of respect for him.

Not only do I have a great boss, but my coworkers are pretty incredible also. When we first moved here, and Dallas was on Casual status, it was hard to meet other Spouses. My coworkers quickly became my friends, and I could not have kept my sanity the first year in Enid without them.

Not only did my job give me a chance to meet people that I would never forget, it also gave me the opportunity to get involved and embedded in a small community so deeply, I felt I had roots forming. I was able to coordinate Bark in the Park, Enid's first Dog Park Grand Opening Ceremony, which was a huge success and so much fun. I did interviews with the local newspaper, and was quoted in the Quarterly City of Enid Magazine. Dallas and I also regularly attended "Mayor's Breakfast" at local restaurants. These breakfasts allowed us, as a very young couple in the Air Force, to get to know our City Officials as well as top Officials (Wing Commander, Vice Wing Commander and their spouses) from Vance. We were on a first name basis with these people. This will probably never happen again in our career in the Air Force, as from here on out, most bases we go to will be quite large and will not have as close knit of a community.

I will also miss this guy:

This is Caleb Roche. His dad is a Colonel, and an instructor pilot for the T-6. He is my dog/cat sitter, and basically an 18 year old in an 11 year olds body. We first met Caleb about 3 months after we moved to Enid. He came knocking on our door, passing out "Caleb's Dog Walking Service" cards, asking if we would hire him. Of course we did, and ever since he has been a blessing in our lives. Since then, he has been mistaken for our Son (Ha.) and been present at all of Dallas' events (Track Select, Graduation, Winging, Etc.) Anytime we need him, he is there. He will of course come to visit us in Louisiana or North Dakota, but we will miss seeing him daily and I know our pups will.

 Something a little less sentimental that I will miss is Katy's Pantry.

This is a place that is relatively new to Enid, but I love it! They have homemade sandwiches, soups, salads, casseroles, pies, cakes and the best homemade, pantry  bread! Its always a great place to go for dinner or lunch, and I will miss this little hole in the wall in Enid.

Our First Home....

This is our very first home we had together, and we went through a lot here.

That concludes our first installment of what I will miss about Enid.

Dallas has been gone for almost two weeks. 3 1/2 more to go....I think I can, I think I can.....

The good news? I am going home next week for a few days to FINALLY see this little Princess!

Addison DelCampo! I can't wait!


Megan (And Dallas from Spokane, WA)