Well, I flew in to Enid from Houston last night, hubs was there (With disgusting, flesh-colored mustache) to pick me up, and drove home!!
I had a great time in Houston recovering with my mom but missed my husband, puppies and bed a lot! :)
Dallas had a nice dinner ready to be made when we got home- one of my favs- beer can chicken on the grill- So sweet and thoughtful! He also invited Matt and Susan over for dinner, which was so great to see my friends and get right back in the swing of things!
I am back at work (Which I have mixed feelings about)- and getting back in the normal routine.
During my two week recovery, I realized what a great family I have and what amazing friends I have. I am one lucky gal!
During recovery, I was waited on, received flowers, an Edible Arrangement (YUM!), a care package (Magazines, recovery clothes, Gift Cards, and a movie!), cards, visits from sweet friends and lots of phone calls to check on me. My sweet husband even ordered me an iPad! :) Wow, Right?
I really can't say enough how thankful I am for every person in my life that made my recovery a little brighter!
I was half dreading and half ready to come back to work. Dreading only because of the mounds of work I thought I was going to have to catch up on, on top of assembling the agenda. Yuck.
But the good news is my sub did a phenom job of actually working, and not just sitting here taking phone calls. Virtually everything is done, and because March is a little longer, agenda week is not until next week! So this is definitely the best scenario for getting back in to the groove after two weeks of being gone!
After work today, I am going to take advantage of the daylight, take the pups on a walk around base since my exercise is limited at the moment, and go home to clean up the explosion of my suit case contents. :)
Thanks again to my friends and family! I am doing great, and couldn't be happier!
Wedding Picture

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Corned Beef and Hodgepodge- I'm Back!
Well its been a few weeks. I have been a busy little bee, and have been operated on, and am currently recovering in good ol' Houston, TX.
1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold?
Easy. I would spend money right now on.......
In no particular order.....
Clothes, Cirque Du Soleil tickets (Which are ridiculously expensive- but totally worth it!) and more clothes!
2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form?
Well, being as my maiden name is O'Sullivan, and from the time I realized I was "Irish" (Which was when I was in Kindergarten, celebrating St. Patricks day in the library reading books about Leprechauns named "Patrick O'Brien O'Sullivan") I have always made it a point to at least wear green on St. Patrick's day. Since I got married, and my name changed to "Wright" I feel the need more now than ever to celebrate for an odd reason....... bring on the Bangers and Mash!
3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?
Since I have been laid up from surgery, I have been bitten by the "I want to do everything I have never willingly wanted to do before" like clean and workout, and I almost can't believe I am saying this, but go back to work. Its only been a week, but I miss me and hubs routine.
4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green?
Kelly Green, True Green, or choosing from the above, shamrock. :)
5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." So...do you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck?
I once had a friend in college who I was convinced had the worst luck I had ever seen in an individual. It turns out (looking back), it was her fault she bought a pair of $100 pumps, being short on rent, and being overdrawn in her account.
The way I see it, people write their own ticket, and sometimes, life hands you a free parking pass- like finding a $20 on the street or something.
6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).
While living in Colorado Springs, CO- Specifically Manitou Springs, CO, I became a Pie Connoisseur of sorts. The Dutch Oven in Manitou Springs hands down has the greatest pie you will ever eat. Any kind. But my absolute favorite is the Buttermilk Pie that will never be duplicated by anyone. Yum.
7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense?
Hands down, Common Sense. I think it would be difficult to get through life without it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My mom is awesome. She has taken care of me like I was a child again during my recovery, and I haven't had to lift a hand. It's nice to just get taken care of sometimes. Being an adult, you sometimes forget the simple things in life, and how much your parents still love you. :)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wednesday Hodgepodge- First Timer!
I remember once in Kindergarden we were reading Green Eggs & Ham for the first time, and we made Green Eggs and Ham in class! It was pretty fun- and obviously memorable. But when I normally eat eggs, I don't color them, or put them with Ham. I eat them scrambled with some salsa! Yum!
2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live?
March is a big month for me, and it has definitely come like a lion. I have had a surgery planned for a few months that I have been wanting and trying to get (Through Insurance) for about 8 years. Once I was approved, through tricare (I know....right. Never thought Tricare would pay for much....), the whole process has moved so quickly- Surgery is next week! Eeek!
March is a big month for me, and it has definitely come like a lion. I have had a surgery planned for a few months that I have been wanting and trying to get (Through Insurance) for about 8 years. Once I was approved, through tricare (I know....right. Never thought Tricare would pay for much....), the whole process has moved so quickly- Surgery is next week! Eeek!
3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?
I definitely work better under pressure- though have found that studying for tests really works out better if you study in advance for them- unlike my thoughts while I was at A&M- where studying was always done the night before.... =/
I definitely work better under pressure- though have found that studying for tests really works out better if you study in advance for them- unlike my thoughts while I was at A&M- where studying was always done the night before.... =/
4. March Madness-are you a fan? It's college basketball in case you're wondering. And if you're outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of 'madness' taking place during March in your part of the world?
Um, March Madness really doesn't mean much to me unless Texas A&M makes it to the sweet 16. Fair Weather Fan, I know. :)
As far as other madness going on- Its apparently Mustache March for Dallas, and the rest of the guys in his flight. Oh Boy. The things these guys do!
Um, March Madness really doesn't mean much to me unless Texas A&M makes it to the sweet 16. Fair Weather Fan, I know. :)
As far as other madness going on- Its apparently Mustache March for Dallas, and the rest of the guys in his flight. Oh Boy. The things these guys do!
5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?
On the throne. Some of my greatest ideas come during my "me" time. :) haha Just kidding. Normally some of my great thoughts (If you want to call them that) happen before I go to bed. The only problem with that is that I sometimes forget them when I go to sleep.....
On the throne. Some of my greatest ideas come during my "me" time. :) haha Just kidding. Normally some of my great thoughts (If you want to call them that) happen before I go to bed. The only problem with that is that I sometimes forget them when I go to sleep.....
6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
My black Express slacks. I am a professional gal- have to dress the part! :)
My black Express slacks. I am a professional gal- have to dress the part! :)
7. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes, though I feel I am not very good at it- especially through text messages!
Sometimes, though I feel I am not very good at it- especially through text messages!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
We want to take a trip this summer! But as things go in the Air Force.....planning is hard to do when you don't know where you are going to be, or when you will get there.
Wednesday Hodgepodge is fun! Thanks Joyce! :)
We want to take a trip this summer! But as things go in the Air Force.....planning is hard to do when you don't know where you are going to be, or when you will get there.
Wednesday Hodgepodge is fun! Thanks Joyce! :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Funny Things. And 1 not so funny thing.
I like Funny Things.
Especially when I am at work. Because work is not fun. Or Funny.
But recently I have been encountered with many funny things.
Exhibit A-
Charlie Sheen.
Blake Barr. Son of Ronald and Amberly Barr.
(This was one of their Christmas Pictures, by the way....)
Especially when I am at work. Because work is not fun. Or Funny.
But recently I have been encountered with many funny things.
Exhibit A-
Charlie Sheen.
That would be Mr. Sheen and his "Goddesses."
It seems like every morning I get to wake up and hear rants from this man- the man whose long time publiscist quit-which he obviously needs- the man who I swear is on another drug besides just "Charlie Sheen" and "Tigers Blood." What really got me laughing though (outloud, at work), was this article. Some of my favorite quotes are below.
"Walters asked Sheen if he was concerned that he could meet a fate similar to that of Michael Jackson, to which the actor said he’s already survived a near miss and has come out “golden.”
As for Sheen's reported hopes to buy a house and move in a bunch of porn stars, he said, "It was a temporary plan and it fell apart."
I am saddened his plan to fill a house with porn stars fell apart....
But Charlie, put your veneers back in, and go back to being a closet drunk, or cocaine addict and get to work!. I liked it better when you looked normal and I didn't have to hear your crazy talk.
The only good thing I can say is at least you have a little sane advice for your kids, all 5 of them:
"Sheen also doesn’t think he is a bad role model for his five children, but thinks that it would be a good idea if they stayed away from cocaine."
Good parenting, Charlie.
Exhibit B-
Enid Shore Crud Team.
While I was very excited to play with this wonderful group of girls, I must say, it was funny.
And not funny because we went in there and beat everyone- and laughed at their misery and loss.
But Funny because:
1. We were the only team of Student Spouses. Meaning every other of the 11 teams were comprised of seasoned crud players. (AKA- Captains, Majors, and Colonels Wives and above.) We are all 2lt and 1lt wives. We were but babies.
2. We got beat immediately, and had Colonels yelling mean things at us like: "When does the skunk rule come in to play."
3. We were wearing Love Enid shirts. Which, by any other standard would have been totally cool- and legit. But that night, every team of the "seasoned women" had official "team jerseys" that put us to some serious shame.
4. The room was full of Air Force men who fly planes. Probably close to 100 of them watching us get our butts kicked. I believe my sweet,drunk husband's words were: "Wow. That was a little emberassing."
The only thing we have on them is that we are younger, and hotter. For Real.
But, we live and learn, and as Susan said, soon enough, 5 or 10 years down the road, we will be the "seasoned players" kicking those Lt.'s Wives Butts.
Exhibit C-
This, actually Not So Funny. But kind of funny- in rhetrospect.
The Pampered Chef Mandolin.
Ronald Barr.
Susan and I were visiting Amberly to place a pampered chef order last night- and Ron was starting on dinner. I believe he was making pepperjack chicken.
This recipe apparently involves onions. And what else would one slice onions with, except a Pampered Chef Mandolin?
With Amberly being the Pampered Chef Consultant, I almost frown on her skills in safety with PC product. Almost.
Ron decides to use the Mandolin to slice the onion, without the protective guard, may I add, and he was just saying something about being impressed with that thing and....
Goes. The. Tip. Of. His. Finger.
I was standing right next to him, and I actually saw the hunk of finger he had just sliced off on the cutting board.
Amberly got ill and threw up- Ron's finger bled for a good 3 hours, and Susan and I stepped in, and completed making dinner, sans the onions, of course. :)
The good news in this?
I didn't get sick or anything by the sight of chopped off finger - Which means I should be good to stomach most things as a nurse! :)
Exhibit D-
Blake Barr. Son of Ronald and Amberly Barr.
(This was one of their Christmas Pictures, by the way....)
His birthday was this weekend, and we had such a great time celebrating with him and his family and friends. He started planning about a month ago, wanting a Dog Party. Which if you know me, I was partial to. :)
He changed his mind several times, finally deciding on having a "Sugar Party."
Amberly basically fed all of the children sugar for the entire 2 hour birthday party, and sent them on their way with their parents on a very strong sugar high.
Amberly basically fed all of the children sugar for the entire 2 hour birthday party, and sent them on their way with their parents on a very strong sugar high.
Susan and I also decided it would be fun to make the Candyland Cake he wanted.
And we had lots of fun! Fun until 3am making this....
I already warned Susan that when I have kids of my own, Susan would HAVE to come and help with the party festivities wherever we are. :) Matt can come too, if he isn't too busy flying airplanes or something.....
So those are just a few of the many things that have made me laugh lately.
Have a great week- and don't take too much of that Charlie Sheen.....It could be dangerous.
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