Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge- First Timer!

1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I'm you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this do you like your eggs? Or don't you?

I remember once in Kindergarden we were reading Green Eggs & Ham for the first time, and we made Green Eggs and Ham in class! It was pretty fun- and obviously memorable. But when I normally eat eggs, I don't color them, or put them with Ham. I eat them scrambled with some salsa! Yum!

2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live?

March is a big month for me, and it has definitely come like a lion. I have had a surgery planned for a few months that I have been wanting and trying to get (Through Insurance) for about 8 years. Once I was approved, through tricare (I know....right. Never thought Tricare would pay for much....), the whole process has moved so quickly- Surgery is next week! Eeek!

3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?

I definitely work better under pressure- though have found that studying for tests really works out better if you study in advance for them- unlike my thoughts while I was at A&M- where studying was always done the night before.... =/

4. March Madness-are you a fan? It's college basketball in case you're wondering. And if you're outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of 'madness' taking place during March in your part of the world?

Um, March Madness really doesn't mean much to me unless Texas A&M makes it to the sweet 16. Fair Weather Fan, I know. :)

As far as other madness going on- Its apparently Mustache March for Dallas, and the rest of the guys in his flight. Oh Boy. The things these guys do!
5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?

On the throne. Some of my greatest ideas come during my "me" time. :) haha Just kidding. Normally some of my great thoughts (If you want to call them that) happen before I go to bed. The only problem with that is that I sometimes forget them when I go to sleep.....

6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often?

My black Express slacks. I am a professional gal- have to dress the part! :)

7. Do you use sarcasm?

Sometimes, though I feel I am not very good at it- especially through text messages!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

We want to take a trip this summer! But as things go in the Air Force.....planning is hard to do when you don't know where you are going to be, or when you will get there.

Wednesday Hodgepodge is fun! Thanks Joyce! :)


  1. Good luck with the surgery.
    I prefer scrambled too, but I only like salsa if I'm having them in a burrito with sausage or bacon.

  2. Hey there! So glad you decided to participate with all of us's a great way to make some new bloggy friends! I'll be wishing you well with your surgery AND recovery! We want to go somewhere this summer, too, but have no plans as of yet. I'm READY to go!!!

  3. Hi, Visiting from Hodgepodge! Are you both in the Air Force?
    Green eggs and Ham..what a fun project for little ones!

  4. I'm glad you joined the Hodgepodge today! I'm trying to plan a holiday too but it's hard to get everyones schedules coordinated at this point. I hope all goes well with your surgery.

  5. First time to your blog via Hodgepodge. Best wishes for your upcoming surgery. I assume that you are ready and will be happy to have it over. Also, best wishes for that summer holiday for you and your hubby.
