Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Corned Beef and Hodgepodge- I'm Back!

Well its been a few weeks. I have been a busy little bee, and have been operated on, and am currently recovering in good ol' Houston, TX. 

1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold?

Easy. I would spend money right now on.......

In no particular order.....

Clothes, Cirque Du Soleil tickets (Which are ridiculously expensive- but totally worth it!) and more clothes!

2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form?

Well, being as my maiden name is O'Sullivan, and from the time I realized I was "Irish" (Which was when I was in Kindergarten, celebrating St. Patricks day in the library reading books about Leprechauns named "Patrick O'Brien O'Sullivan") I have always made it a point to at least wear green on St. Patrick's day. Since I got married, and my name changed to "Wright" I feel the need more now than ever to celebrate for an odd reason....... bring on the Bangers and Mash!

3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?

Since I have been laid up from surgery, I have been bitten by the "I want to do everything I have never  willingly wanted to do before" like clean and workout, and I almost can't believe I am saying this, but go back to work. Its only been a week, but I miss me and hubs routine. 

4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green?

Kelly Green, True Green, or choosing from the above, shamrock. :)

5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck?

I once had a friend in college who I was convinced had the worst luck I had ever seen in an individual. It turns out (looking back), it was her fault she bought a pair of $100 pumps, being short on rent, and being overdrawn in her account.

The way I see it, people write their own ticket, and sometimes, life hands you a free parking pass- like finding a $20 on the street or something.

6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).

While living in Colorado Springs, CO- Specifically Manitou Springs, CO, I became a Pie Connoisseur of sorts. The Dutch Oven in Manitou Springs hands down has the greatest pie you will ever eat. Any kind. But my absolute favorite is the Buttermilk Pie that will never be duplicated by anyone. Yum.

7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense?

Hands down, Common Sense. I think it would be difficult to get through life without it.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My mom is awesome. She has taken care of me like I was a child again during my recovery, and I haven't had to lift a hand. It's nice to just get taken care of sometimes. Being an adult, you sometimes forget the simple things in life, and how much your parents still love you. :)


  1. Sorry to read about your health situation, hopefully you'll be back in routine soon enough. Aren't Mums brilliant?! Have a great St Patrick's Day :)

  2. mmm....buttermilk pie-I love that too. Hope you are feeling good again very soon and are able to get back to all the things you miss. Moms are awesome! Glad you have yours to take care of you now.

  3. "People write their own ticket," it should be on a T-shirt! Good one!

  4. Buttermilk Pie sounds intriguing. No matter how old we get, it's nice to have our mom around to take care of us!
    Gig 'em Aggies! (My dad, uncles, cousins, and BIL are all Aggies!)

  5. Glad you're on the mend. I'll bet your mom is loving having you home to wait on.
