Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Holidays are OVER!

But thats mainly because I don't count New Years as a real "Holiday."

I must say, I am pretty happy to have gotten through them. It was nice seeing family and friends and all that jazz, but I felt like Christmas was being stuffed down my throat this year, and it was pretty tough to stomach.

Its hard pretending to be happy when you are missing someone so badly it physically hurts every part of your body. And to make the hurt a little worse, you know you wont be seeing them again in this lifetime.

I am doing alright, I definitely have my moments, and I know time will heal. My husband has been such a blessing to me through all of this. Its comforting knowing that he truly understands what I am going through (Even though that sucks for both of us), and he has been so good to me throughout all of this. This is what a marriage is all about, knowing you have someone to count on, and someone to hold you during the bad times. I hope I was half of what he has been for me while he was going through a similar tough situation....

But enough of the sad stuff, I have a few announcements.

Remember a long time ago, when I wasn't neglecting the blog and I said something about "We would find out before Christmas if we were staying in Shreveport or going to Minot, ND?" Well we found out a few weeks ago that we will indeed be staying at Barksdale, AFB for Dallas' first flying tour, which is really bitter-sweet for us. Its great in that I will be able to finish out my nursing program, we are going to buy a house soon (!!) and we are closer to family than we have been in a long time. And a little bitter in that we will be separated from our besties- Amy and Derek Smith (Seriously, I can't even talk about it right now- ) and that we are closer to our family than we have been in a long time (I kid, I kid. Kind Of).

So we know what we are doing now, and are able to make some somewhat long term plans! So thats exciting! :) And there will not be any little Wright's in our foreseeable future. In case that question was lingering in anyones head. :) (Sorry, Mom)

My first semester of school ended, and not to gloat, but I got a 4.0. That has never happened to me before- and I think I get the whole- going to school/ studying for real thing. :)

As far as other announcements go, I finished my very first quilt! Its beautiful and I gave it to my grandmother for Christmas! I am hooked! I will post pics soon.... I have also decided to make a quilt using my dad's neck ties. I think it will take me a while to get to the point where I can work with his ties, but I will get there, and I think it will be a great way to remember my dad!

So thats about it! You are all caught up on the Wright's happenings and non-happenings, and I hope all of you had a very happy Holiday Season!


Megan and Dallas

P.S. I have gotten addicted to Pinterest as of last night.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Dad

I have been living a nightmare since November 23, 2011. The night before Thanksgiving. I got a call that has changed my life forever.

My step-mom called me from their favorite vacation spot in Grand Cayman with a "bit of bad news."

She said my dad had a heart attack that day, and had passed away.

I don't remember much from that point on to now. All I know is that I lost a man in my life that was kind, and was beautiful in every way. The world has truly lost one of the good guys. I feel empty.

If you can imagine, I didn't have much of a Thanksgiving at all. I didn't have a lot to be thankful for. My Dad just died. Too soon.

He didn't get to have a grand child. He didn't get to see me become a nurse.

All of these things ran through my mind. Along with questions like Did he know I loved him? Did I make him proud? And even though he has told me countless times that he loves me, as I have told him, and that I have made him very proud, I still question these things. I am not sure why.

My dad died on November 23 in Grand Cayman while scuba diving. He was 54. Diving the Kittiwake was something he was very excited about, and told me about at least 4 times the last time I saw him a month ago.

I take comfort in that he was doing something he enjoyed, in a beautiful place, and that he didn't suffer.

We are laying him to rest tomorrow at 2:00pm. It has taken this long to get him home due to logistics with the Embassy's and dealing with foreign law. There is a protocol for everything, and nothing is quick.

I have gone through some odd grieving cycles. I feel like I have gone through all of them in the past week and a half, and am beginning to cycle through them again.

Through those stages, I have had a chance to reflect, and realize how blessed I am to have had my dad at so many events, most importantly, my wedding. I used to view my wedding (Reception only- the ceremony was perfect) as a disaster. I now do not have any regrets or upsets from that day. I am blessed to have been able to have my dad walk me down the aisle, share that Father- Daughter dance together, and to give a speech that now means the world to me.

My dad saw me graduate from Texas A&M University, and grow into a woman that I hope he is proud of. We have had many good times together, and each and every memory I have, I cherish.

I miss my dad more than words could probably ever describe, and love him even more. I would be lucky to be half the person he was, and live a life giving selflessly everyday just as he did.

I love you Dad, and I know I will see you again when the Lord calls me. Until then, rest peacefully.