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Monday, October 4, 2010

Go Red For Women Campaign 2010!

Did you know that Heart Disease KILLS over 500,000 American Women EACH YEAR? Well, I didn't. Until I learned about the Go Red for Women Campaign!

Go Red for Women!

Dallas' Mother's best friend, Linda Couch, had a heart transplant at the very young age of 27 years old, due to congestive heart failure. Linda is one of the sweetest, most talented, courageous women I have ever met, and she surely doesn't take life for granted.

Well, Linda was selected out of hundreds of thousands of women to be one of the 15 "Go Red For Women Campaign" Spokes-women! She even got to go to New York City to be on the Today show with Hoda!

After talking a little more, my family discovered that not only did we know Linda in the bunch of 15 women, but we also have a cousin that was selected as well! Maricella Wilson! What a small world!

We are so proud of these women, and what they are representing. Heart Disease kills too many women each year because it is dismissed as an "old man's disease."

So get out there, spread the word, and GO RED FOR WOMEN! PLUS- Its a really great reason to go shopping for a pretty red dress- and maybe pretty shoes to match! :)

(A portion of all purchases made at Macy's (Or at any of the other participating sponsors' stores ) will go to the Go Red for Women Campaign!)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this information. If we all choose to "Go Red" and do all that we can to prevent heart disease, we can stop the number one killer of women ourselves. There is more information online at:
