Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Friday, October 22, 2010

Phase 2: COMPLETE.

Well, I know all 10's   5's   1's of you have been waiting for the results of today's Track Select.  It came, and it was awesome.

Dallas got T-38's! Which is what he has been working toward since he started pilot training, and since he knew he wanted to become a pilot. I could not be more proud of him.

Track Select day started with a Breakfast sponsored by the IP's wives, and was pretty delicious! Next, we walked around the flight line, able to take pictures with static airplane displays, and got a tour of the Air Traffic Control Tower. We went home for a bit and went back to the base for the main event: Track Select. It started with the video the guys made, and then went to the assignments. If I ever get the video that they made, I will definitely post it- it was pretty hilarious! The assignments usually start with a roast of each student, and then showing them their plane.

Dallas' roast was all about working out and being huge- haha :)

I am SO PROUD of him, and I am thankful everyday that I have him in my life! (And it doesn't hurt that he looks SUPER hot in a flight suit!)

After they finished track select, the T-38 IP's were waiting for their new students- and ready to give them new information to study and be tested on at 8am the next day!

Track Select was such an awesome day for us. Here are a few photos from today....

As for me, I am traveling to Houston this weekend to see this guy get married:
He's been my buddy since our first 8am course our Freshman year at A&M (American History!). I am so excited for him and Melissa!

Dallas was supposed to be coming with me, but he is now unable to because of training and the timing of the wedding. I will definitely post pictures of the event, and I can't wait to see my friend marry a wonderful girl!

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