Wedding Picture

Wedding Picture

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello, 2011!

Well, I have obviously slacked a bit on being a regular blogger. But we are back to the real world from our 10 day, much needed rest. I find it completely odd and almost disgusting that we are already back to our normal schedule of working, flying, exercising, and watching smutty T.V.

Before the break, me and my friend Amberly threw Susan  a wedding shower! She got married January 1, 2011 in Lake Tahoe on a boat, and thought it would only be right to throw her a proper wedding shower with the rest of the girls! It was at my house, and we had a great time!

The kitchen all ready for the party.

 The spread.

 The living room before the pups left

The party was great, and we got to have some great girl time and mimosas. She is still on her honeymoon right now in Maui- Im jealous, and ready for my friend to come back!

The Holiday was great! A lot of traveling. By Car. Which is Dallas' least favorite thing to do since he started flying jets that can get you from Oklahoma City to Houston in roughly 40 minutes. 

Christmas was fantastic and we enjoyed being together with our family more than anything.

Our little family, minus Moe.

Dylan and Lesly.

The day after Christmas we had a party with friends which was SO MUCH FUN until my good friend Heather fed me a little too much "Hipp's Brew" which, if you know Ol' Meggy-Meg, you know she doesn't handle mixing vino with the hard stuff very well.  But up until that, the party was so great, and I so enjoyed seeing my buddies- including my beautiful pregnant friend, Nikki!

We played a few riveting rounds of catch phrase, and had a successful white elephant gift exchange coming home with a quesadilla maker, and a Scentsy wall plugin! :)

A few days later, we were off to Florida with Dallas' dad and brother, Dylan to visit Grandpa and Nana at their resort house. :)

Not too shabby, huh? :)

 It was really our first time to be able to relax, and take in the 80 degree weather! We had amazing meals, shopping time while the guys played golf, and went to the Ritz-Carlton in Naples to see the two-story gingerbread house!

Eating in Naples

Big Dallas with his Arrogant Bastard Beer!

Dylan drinking a girly drink

We spent New Years in Naples, and headed home on the 2nd, and drove back to good old Enid on the 3rd. The time seemed to fly by. Which is what almost always seems to happen.

So. You know when you get back from vacation, and your house looks like a train drove directly through it? Well, mine does. And I can hardly think straight with all the clutter. This weekend will be spent cleaning, and relaxing from our relaxing vacation. :) Funny how you need a rest from a vacation.

So, its a new year, and I could not be happier. 2010 proved to be a pretty terrible year for the most part, and for alot of people I know. 
Good Riddance, 2010!

I am ready to see what 2011 has in store for us, and I know, it HAS TO BE a far better year than the last. 

In other news, classes begin next Tuesday, and I will be taking Anatomy and Physiology....Seems like such a long road to nursing, but I know it will be worth it in the end. And I can't wait! 

Cheers and Happy New Year,

Megan and Dallas

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